Thursday 25 February 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research , planning and evaluation stages?

media tech
Originally uploaded by izzyware
Each item shown was very useful in either the research and planning of the trailer, or the construction. Overall most of the products that came from using each of these items ended up in final cut pro to be edited into the final teaser trailer.

Blogger is another technology which I am currently using to post blog posts. I find this method of evaluating and showing my progress through the unit a lot better than say, writing an essay. In an essay the ideas are lost in the amount of words there are to read. By using a blog I am able to show my work using screenshots and can annotate them on flickr to be linked to my blog. I have also added tags to certain posts that collect correwpondijg posts into a group to make the certain section that the examiner or I am looking for. It is also also overall a neat and presentable way of showing my work and the progress towards it.

Click the montage for more details...

Final Cut Pro
Originally uploaded by izzyware

Final Cut Pro
We used final cut pro to edit our teaser trailer. In the flickr link I have annotated the different sections to the programme. Different areas were useful in their own ways and I found it quite simple to use once I got used to the controls. I found layering the tracks very effective, espe ially with the audio tracks as we were able to switch music by merging them together rather than fading them out each time. I feel this enabled the trailer to keep running smoothly. The zoom tool was something that we used throughout our trailer to keep the audience moving with it.  Click the picture for more...

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