Thursday 17 September 2009

Horror trailer - Saw 2

The fast moving images create a sense of panic and fear.
The screams tell you that it is a horror film and the low, husky voice narrating is mysterious and as it tells you the storyline it makes you want to watch more.
The low key lighting creates a scary atmosphere.

Key Conventions within Movie Trailers.
The genre of this trailer is obvious from the opening images as they flash on the screen showing the fear that is created with Horror films. This continues throughout the whole trailer. The text used is red on a black background, connoting horror again s it relates to blood and unknown darkness. The blue and green colour scheme and low key lighting also indicates the horror genre.
The name of the film itself isn't shown until the end of the trailer, when you are most likely to go away remembering the title. This is again written in red text on a black background.
The directors of the movie are shown near the beginning of the trailer. Even these are flashed up onto the screen in a dramatic way with loud, sudden noises to accompany the appearance and movement of the text.
The target audience for this film would be people that enjoy identifying with people in dangerous positions. Clips from the film of people in panic have been used in the trailer to attract this audeience, as well as images of various weapons and torture items such as nails and needles.
The music begins as a low siren-like sound, and behind the dialogue and sounds from the film scenes, slowly get higher and louder and builds to a crescendo. However, in this trailer it is not the main emotive sounds

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the trailer begins with a significant date (Halloween) - it fits in with our reading doesn't it?
